First Guest Message

Most first timers have been great guests, one of my worst had 6 glowing reviews. Now she has 6 good reviews and one 1 star.



Where? I am planning a trip in Sept…


Summerland outside of Santa Barbara.

This is my view from one minute ago my living room


Nice! So thats the guesthouse in the view?


Not necessarily true at all. My husband and I traveled to Italy a few years ago and our host canceled on us like 4 days before our check-in (with no explanation and I had like six 5-star reviews as a guest). We were already traveling when we had to find a new place to stay (in a very small town where there weren’t hotels). Luckily we found a host who ran a B&B (and happened to be an American living in Italy and thus we could better communicate with) that had a room.

No. That’s the neighbor

I recently had this same experience, except I’d didn’t go as far as one star…I gave him a three.

This guest earned it, left a huge greasy mess and snuck in an extra person.


Mine just left a huge greasy mess. He wasn’t allowed to get away with the extra people—I made him pay for them.

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I would still be hesitant after air tried to jam scumbags into my listing after being ejected from my mums. I suppose I shouldnt of been surprised air would help bad guests

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Couldn’t agree more.
Just has this feedback from first timers. Mind you they had excellent communication unlike the other 70 percent

“Thank you so much, Chris, for everything! Our first Airbnb experience was wonderful. We will certainly use your place again if we have a late-night arrival in Sydney! You’ve converted old-fogey Baby Boomers to Airbnb people!”

That is a great heads up!! Thanx!!!

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Different strokes for different folks.

The first messages which just say ‘looking forward to staying with you’ and NO OTHER INFORMATION!! I want to know time of arrival, how many guests are couples or singles and, very important to me, how they are travelling!! My description on Airbnb says–PLEASE please, do not book with me if you do not have your own transport. Why? I am 4 miles from any town, have no buses or trains and taxis are few. 4 people, a baby and a child were booked in for this month and THEN asked where is the nearest railway station and taxi stand? I got them to cancel, sadly I think we will both lose financially from this just because the booker didn’t scroll down far enough and READ what I have carefully put there!!

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