Extra guests turn up

“three milking goats”
…and a part-ri-idge in a pear tree.

(There, I got it out of my system.)


To be honest, most goats are nicer than some guests!


You all are toooo funny with the goat jokes. Three milking goats, two little kids, and a partridge in a pear tree!! I didn’t feel like I could say no to the first two extra guest request, Konacoconutz cuz I had on my listing that extra guests were okay. Believe you me, I’ve changed that!

I get it but you are still within your rights to say no, no matter what is turned on… Live and learn!


You all are really making my day! That is too cute! Yes, I gotta practice that saying “no” thing. So far all our other guests have been awesome!

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