Extra charges for food and beverages

Hello everyone, I have started my Airbnb a very little while ago and with my first customers I was excited and I offered them soft beverages all day free of charges and some extras as well. I need your (someone) advise on this issue, is it OK to charge for extra food and beverages and how ?!!


I think you will get negative reviews if you do charge. My advise -do not offer-do not charge. Make it simple


Agree. Don’t charge. Offer them water and leave it at that. I used to try to do so much for guests, only to get a negative ding for something else they didn’t like. Let them get their own provisions.


Thank you! I have a better idea now.

our fridge is full for the guests with food and drinks, even pizza and burrito in the deep fridge, but we charge. very low btw, and there is a money jar where they can put the money. so they can eat and drink if they want, everything has a price tag, and we trust them that they will pay for it - since it wasnt free, and it doesnt included in the price.


I’ve started doing the same thing! Not as expansive for sure, but drinks in the fridge and snacks with an “honesty” bowl for payment. I charge next to nothing for them - cheaper than they’d pay at the store.

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We have an honor system for our bar. Everyone thinks it’s cheeky, and have had no complaints.

Is it a mini bottle bar, bottled beer, mini bottles of wine? Or is it large liquor bottles and they pour their own drink? I knew someone who used to claim to have one drink a night before dinner. Only thing is his drink was made with four large shots of vodka…lol!

The guests think it’s cheeky??

I leave a bottle of wine for guests. (We are $125 per night so it isn’t a drain on the finances). I totally LOVE drinking wine myself but the last thing I want is drunken guests. My neighbour (Homeaway) leaves vodka and other spirits for his guests - I would never do that.

Once I saw guests arriving and noticed that they looked to be about eighteen years old. (Legal drinking age here is 21). So I quickly ran up to the rental and took away the wine and replaced it with two bottles of Bud Light.

When they left there was a quarter-full bottle of vodka in the freezer :slight_smile:

If you start charging, it will leave a very bad impression instead slowly reduce those free services. Remember it should be gradual. it is wise to not make evident your intensions

How do you get away with selling alcohol ?

I realize that this is an old topic, but I haven’t seen anyone make this point. On the subject of charging guests for drinks and snacks, I would mention this. In our area, local laws would require us to collect and remit sales tax on any such sales. We don’t, however, have to collect and remit sales tax or occupancy tax on Airbnb income.

If you plan to charge anything that customers will pay you for directly, I suggest looking at local tax laws to see if you would have any tax collection liability.

Although I do not sell anything if I did I would not worry about this for even a second. The tax police have bigger fish to fry.


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It must be revive an old thread day. I can guarantee that no one in the US is selling alcohol in their airbnb’s legally. However, I stayed at one where wine was honor bar $10 and I’m trying to imagine someone reporting it to the tax authorities.

One of my “competitor’s” listings say they have a full bar the guests can use.


Lol, it seems like it is.