Experimenting with instant book

The site is now giving the option to instant book for:
“Guests who meet Airbnb’s requirements and have an average star rating of at least 4.5 out of 5 stars, including cleanliness and communication”

This has changed. It used to be something like “recommended guests”. Is anyone tracking this? Does anyone know how and when it changed, and what does a star rating for guests mean?


Thank you for the info

Oh really! Hadn’t noticed this change

I am not seeing that language here in the U.S. Although I’ve had no problems with instant book I think they could get more people to sign up if they provided more screening options.

Nothing new in Sweden

@sylvainbg @KKC

nothing here in the UK either I’ve emailed them to see what’s happening as I would turn it on if it were this - “Guests who meet Airbnb’s requirements and have an average star rating of at least 4.5 out of 5 stars, including cleanliness and communication”

Weird. Why would this differ by location? I thought maybe I hallucinated this (life in India can be trying), but I checked again, and it’s still there. Does anyone want to see a screenshot?

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Sure, why not. It could also be something they are testing. I am a DogVacay host and they often test out features on a limited number of host profiles.

yes please that would be great

@KKC, @Kirsty_Jane,

Ok, see screenshot below.

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It all looks the same except for the more specific language about the average star rating. Thanks! I hope it’s coming to a future near me soon!

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@KKC yes me too! thanks @faheem !!

Mine looks like this -


The problem with instant book is that it depends on the reviews of other hosts.

And most hosts are too nice for their guests, also on this forum I see hosts making excuses on behalf of their guests.

So I would like to ask everyone: always review, and be use the thumb down button a bit more often to protect another host.


Hi @felixcat,

Can you point me to documentation of the three free cancellations thing? I’m unable to find it online.

EDIT: Never mind, Host Cancellation Policy - Airbnb Help Centre has it.

Hosts who use Instant Book may be able to cancel up to 3 times, penalty-free, if they have concerns about a guest’s behavior. Calendar inaccuracy, confusion about pricing or availability, and extenuating circumstances are not covered by this policy.

I don’t understand the second sentence, but it sounds like it isn’t an unconditional “get out of jail free” policy. Presumably meant for cases where the guest turns out to be a freak. Has anyone ever invoked this?

MAY, being the operative word.


I strongly discourage anyone to turn on instant book. Airbnb is “experimenting” with a new feature that takes control away from hosts and does not allow one to turn on or off instant book. As a result I have been the victim of fraud by some new airbnb guests from China. They claim there is a “hair on the sheet” and request refunds. This has happened 6 times for me (I have an excellent housekeeper who now uses a lint roller on all the beds, I also check myself and have never found a hair). I went to turn off instant book so I could better screen my guests, but because I am part of this experiment, I no longer have this control. I have actually “snoozed” my listing until this control is given back to me. Frankly after over 2 years of being an airbnb host I do not feel that the company does not properly prioritize host interests.


I’ve heard about this and worry! I can never have that control taken from me!!!

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Forgive me, but I don’t think you meant that double negative.

So, update on my experiment. I have decided to turn it off and keep it off. Perhaps I am a control freak, but when it comes to bringing people into my home I need to have control over who, when, and how. I was settling into bed Thursday night, and DING! My phone lets me know that I have a German couple heading down the California coast checking in the following day.

SHIT! I have to work in the morning and now I have to make sure the room is ready, communicate with these people to find out their check-in plan and time. It was very stressful. I would much preferred to have been able to mull it over and determine that it was feasible to take in a set of guests with less than 24-hours notice before the agreement was made.

And, to boot I have not noticed any difference at all with my rate of bookings so i don’t think it’s it has affected my placement in searches unless someone specifically filters for places with instant book (and, I doubt too many guests do…i think location and price are much bigger factors for them). SO…experiment over with the finding that instant book is not for me.


But wouldn’t you eliminate those 90% of first timers with Instant Booking? Maybe if you chose “accept all requests” or “with no reviews” you wouldn’t, but that would scare me because if I’d had Instant Book on for some of the requests I got in the past I would have had some undesirables show up for sure.