End of season musings

@Annet3176 Oy, the droopage! Unbelievable! I recently bought a UV protective bathing suit that covers me from my neck to my ankles. The top is colorful and the bottom is black (it’s two piece). It’s like a rash guard suit surfers wear. I feel SO free! I can spread out on the sand and roll around with my grandkids without worrying about sun OR any OTHER type of exposure!! Ha!!

I agree with your mum. My prayers are always answered, usually not in my timing and not in the way I imagined at all. But things do always “work out”. Thank God I usually don’t get my way, actually.


Yes, “End of Season” surely has a double meaning.

I’m rethinking priorities with the realization that my mother was just 5 years older than I am now when she died, and already beginning to deal with a debilitating illness at my current age. It was a rare disease, so I’ll likely be hanging around for another 15-20 given life spans of most of the ancestors.

But ya never know. How much of the time I have left do I want to spend doomscrolling, fixing up the annoying bits of my house, or finding that last penny of tax deduction?

The behaviors that get rewarded in the workplace are not necessarily conducive to a life well lived.

I am unbelievably fortunate and privileged to have some choice in the matter of how I spend my time and to have resources to do some good while I’m here. I don’t want to waste it.


Our end of season looks very bleak hosting here, other than hopefully the fire outlook being tame-ish. Literally no bookings! :sweat_smile:

My hub had a drastic health event 1.5 years ago, but I feel he is pulling out of it. We just went on a 10 day driving adventure where he rode a horse on Very difficult terrain, and hiked 4 miles. I was so proud of and for him. I hope he gets more committed to his future and strength building!

“the only thing constant is change”