Dream guest on first stay turns to huge hassle for second stay...review help wanted

I thought that they had to actually book again in order to extend their stay. How do I do what you suggest?

you go into the booking itself and press amend. Very easy to doā€¦

What Zandra said. You go to the booking and make a change request.

Yes, it is easy, and Iā€™ve used that feature many times - add guests, add days, etc.

However, just fyi, when using the ap on the phone, or when they are reading the email notifying them of the request, many guests have problems finding the ā€˜acceptā€™ button. Itā€™s way at the end - so if they just scan the email they may not see it. Just so you know.

@dcmooney, thanks very much for the info on how to direct guests to accept the change. Iā€™ve had several guests who couldnā€™t figure it out.

Shyeash!!! Me too!! I never understood it until I had an intelligent guest show me on her phone the email and it was a very odd configuration.

Hi Nancy,

It is also difficult for guests to use the guidebook on their phones? We have several places that weā€™ve put in the guidebook because so many guests ask, the AT&T Store, the closest grocery store, etc. When guests ask and I tell them that these places are listed in the guidebook they look at me blankly. We usually end up drawing them a map. Iā€™d appreciate any guidance on helping guests to use the guidebook in our listing.

Yes, Iā€™ve had to walk some of my guests through that process. It should be easier on the phone app than it is.

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If you write that much about a guest, I canā€™t take you too seriously - either as a host or as a guest.

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I donā€™t consider any guests to be my friend never unless we develop a seriously personal relationship as friends. I especially reserve judgment as to whether they are good or bad guests until after they leave LOL. I am always friendly with them but do not consider them to be friends or even potential friend since their presence in my life is going to be very short.

I donā€™t find your irritations to be trivial in any way shape or form. The gentleman broke the rules. When you break the rules you pay the price. In my experience guests will not give you the same consideration even if you do offer flexibility. I sense that in order for you to consider calling the police it certainly must have been more troublesome than what it may seem like on a forum post

I didnā€™t consider him a friend until after the first stay was over.

I am happy to report that Airbnb accepted my evidence of him lying about when he left and awarded me the $50 fee. Now he has left me a review (Iā€™m expecting it will be bad). Iā€™ll let you know once I post mine and find out. Iā€™ll likely want suggestions on a response.