Dogs Stealing Guests' Food

We do that. When we’re showing the room, we always provide an anecdote about the dogs stealing other guests’ food.

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Why don’t you just tell them not to eat in their rooms? They can just eat at the dining table and then make sure they clear food up when they have finished.

The dogs aren’t stealing the food when it’s being eaten. They are stealing food that is left in luggage while the guest is elsewhere in the house and has left the guest room door open.

My dog is not food obsessed at all, unless it’s meat laying around with easy access. He would care less about a payday, banana, or anything else. I routinely carry food in my handbag, just in case I’m stuck without a good gluten free/dairy free option. Upon entering your house, i guarantee I would completely forget said item was in my bag and not even think about it. However, if I was eating anything meat related I would be extra vigilant to make sure the dogs didn’t get it. Where I’m going with this, is people are not use to certain ‘house rules’, even if they have dogs. I think the best option to protect your fur babies is the self closing door, and I’m sure even then they will find goodies.

I think a no food policy would be a little harsh. I like to snack in bed, and drink my coffee there as well. I’d take a pic of Fido and post a notice in the room that he/she has a long rap sheet of breaking and entering, and shoplifting!


Hi after years of having homestay guests I have fojnd that It’s simpler and cheaper to:

A. Get self closing door hinges from a hardware store and put them on in lieu of the existing door hinges. Cheaper, don’t break, and will close the door shut if left open. The door slightly rises when opened and then it drops down again when door is not held open. Get a handyman to do it and have him adjust the door latch so it actually slots into the hole.


B. Supply a couple of plastic cookie containers with good “bug FREE” catches. If dogs get in they can’t open them, although they might toss it around a bit - guests won’t make the same mistake of leaving door open again! In any case they will keep ants from being attracted to the room.
