Dog and family from Hell!

How kind to take so much time and thought into responding to my predicament.
I very much appreciate your input and will act on it whilst putting the whole experience into perspective.

In a year I may deal with things a little better but right now, I’m feeling wounded and angry :angry:……. Although not as angry as a week ago so that’s a good thing :blush: - these words of wisdom from experienced hosts like you (especially you!), are like therapy and I’m so grateful.

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I have heaps of photos - great advice, thank you :+1:t2:

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I’m empathetic about the tub full of urine soaked linens but, honestly, I don’t see why you wouldn’t expect a bunch of dog hair. If you need to charge a pet fee to cover your time and trouble then do that but you have to expect that there will be dog hair if you accept dogs. It is not fair to punish a guest for dog hair or any type of hair for that matter. Maybe it’s not a good idea for you accept dogs?

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Yes, you are being quite picky picky picky. :frowning:

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lolz ! hahahahahahahahahah

What a thoughtful, wise and helpful response. I love it when folks feel free/confident to have a rant, but then return to accept constructive critique. In this case you also reflect on what you’ve learned and put it out there for the benefit of other hosts. :clap:t2: :pray: !