Does “Identity Verified” mean the government ID has been uploaded?

Pretty early on, we adopted a process after booking to validate the booking party, and get for each person: full name, current address and age along with (as required by insurance). No one ever pushed back or questioned it.
If we wished, we would also require photo IDs with the same wonderful perfect 3rd party requirement. Air has no right whatsoever to question it or provide proof of whatever a host claims is required by insurance, etc.
It’s all part of running our business our way.

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When you decline, it will ask you to fill out two form fields, one for the guest and one for Airbnb, for why you are declining and also ask you to pick the reason from a drop-down menu of a few standard reasons.

Ahh. Ok that’s perfect. Thanks, I had no idea!

I never uploaded any govt. ID when I signed up to host in 2016. I don’t recall being asked to, because I filled out whatever was required. So I still have no verified ID on my account.

Thank you for sharing the very helpful finding! That’s exactly what I’m looking for.

Hi, Jeff, I am a new host, trying to learn experience from my fellow hosts here. May I know when do you ask the guests to provide these information? Thank you!