Do you wash the bed linen and towels your guests use in your own washing machine?

OK… your post is a bit cryptic but I think we all get it! I’ve no doubt posted before about my “favourite” findings in the guest room but here they are again:

A big long curly pube in the bedside table drawer. (so glad I spotted that one)

The biggest booger I have ever seen in my entire life smeared on the bedpost.

Not something that would impact the next guest but I’ll never forget finding a gift bag left on the carefully made-up bed after a guest left. Ooh how nice, I thought. I wonder what he’s given me! Turned out it was the packaging from a beginner’s butt-plug set :unamused:

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I iron our guest linen too! I get teased about it by my friends but the nice crisp look makes it worthwhile. I don’t use starch since so many people are sensitive to scents so it takes about an hour a set but I do it during tv time so it isn’t much of a problem. Weeks with three turnovers like last week and two this week I am ironed out for a while! I have three sets of cotton sheets for our one Airbnb room with two extra sets of a poly blend as backup in case I can’t get to the ironing.

I iron all the sheets also. I think it makes the bed look fresh, especially since I am drying the linen at the laundromat and it comes back crumpled. Plus for kicks I fold the fitted sheets using the method that Martha Stewart has on YouTube :slight_smile: Took me ages to work it out but I now I have it down pat and my wife very impressed although wondering why I don’t spend as much effort on our laundry!

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I’ve always used liquid in our domestic washing machine - no problems or complaints - might as well continue.

We use a cleaning company on all of our properties so we don’t have to worry about the laundry or any of the cleaning - it just makes it that bit easier not having to worry about getting to the property in time to clean everything before the next guests arrive

My Airbnb is a guest house and for guest turnover I need to do 2-3 loads of laundry. I usually do two in my private machine and one in the guest house as my machine has a bigger drum and can fit more in. I’m not worried about any “cross contamination” and me and my kids are still alive.

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[quote=“lchiu7, post:1, topic:31125”]
I then suggested we wash all the linen etc. at home but she was aghast at the idea. We don’t sterilize the laundry as a commercial laundry might do so she is worried about germs etc. coming into contact with our home machine.[/quote]

I do our laundry in our home machine which is a 5.2 front loader Samsung with Sanitizer settings which santizes with a minimum temp of 165 degrees. While the cleaners clean and santizes the house, I just bag up linens and leave. I only do laundry once a month as I made sure that there are plenty of towels and bedding for at least 5-6 turnovers a month.

With today’s high quality washers, many come with steam and sanitizing features that are well worth the investment. Ours is a floor sample that was purchased at a very, very good price 3 year ago. Who knew that it would come in handy for laundry service?:smiley:

I also time to save money with my solar hot water heating system. Also, I use all white so that I can bleach for disinfection. Saw a post on another thread that you can you industry white vinegar and it will act as a disinfectant and fabric softener. It won’t smell once you dry in a dryer. (I tried to dry my stuff on a line but I kept getting bugs and dirt on the clean clothing.

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I have had the same problem. One thing I sometimes do is try on the line for part of the time and then shake off and then put in the dryer to soften and make sure all the bugs are off. Winter and days with no wind are better.

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One of my husband’s favorite t-shirts was left by a guest.

LOL! I’m wearing the one I posted about now! It’s a sleep shirt.

Since I posted another pair of very nice women’s underwear was found under/behind the bed. They seem too nice to toss, and the women said they would be returning at some point. I can’t decide whether to save and return them or toss them.


I set it on the hottest setting and use bleach and Tide. Same with blankets, towels, etc.

Dryer is on hottest setting.

Eco friendly laundry soap with warm water, no bleach and I hang everything outside. It works, no complaints so far.

Tell her Lysol has soap now you add to your laundry to disinfect! Problem solved. If she is still unreasonable, tell her she is more than welcome to handle the laundry and she can pay out of pocket for the cost. But for real, washers and dryers are meant to be cleaned offended too. The new Lysol soap should help hopefully.

Does your bathroom not have it’s own fan/vent? Or a window?

Lol! I live in the U.S. and having the wsher/dryer in the kitchen is no problem. Of course, my first house was so tiny that I had no other ooption, and I was so grateful to even have that option versus trekking to the laundromat.

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The bathroom has no windows and the only vent is a small passive vent above the drier. The drier is mounted upside down above the washing machine and vents through the door into the room. There is a vent at the rear of the drier but since the drier is wall mounted, there is no room to connect a hose to that vent to the ceiling

Ah wow ok. So then, isn’t she also concerned about showers causing mold?

I would definitely be concerned about laundry too - not only for mold but blowing dirty linty air back into your house isn’t very healthy!

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You really need a condensing dryer - a tumble dryer without an external vent will lead to all kinds of problems - been there, done that by accident (blocked vent)

Yes,I have 2 washers and 2 dryers so I can quickly do laundry.I allow the guest access to the laundry however they may use my detergent etc and they may do laundry anytime except the day of departure.I have found if they start doing laundry the day of departure, they can easily forget about moving laundry and end up checking out late! And I have a sign posted on the washer for that.No more late checkouts…