Do my guests live with stained towels?

Dawn soap. Comes out super fast. Learned this after 2 hours of experimenting with every method/product I could find and ruining the towel in the process.


Ugh this gets me so mad. My guests always stain the towels! I have a swimmable pond and I stress in my welcoming message, in my house rules , on my info tv and signs in the bathroom not to use the white body towels for outside, that they will find pond towels in the laundryroom to use, they don’t listen. I also provide black makeup wash clothes and they stain the white ones too. Never ending in my rental and I haven’t charged a single guest. I didn’t know that was an option. I began to dye the towels and add them to my pond towels. I’m so over this saga!

When my towels reach a point that they’re too stained for the indoor bathroom, they rotate to either the hot tub or outdoor shower. When they’re no longer acceptable there, they become dog towels for either myself or the local shelter. Towels live a long life at my home


We have the dog towel category, too. Beyond that, they become garage towels, also known as rat towels.

Soaking the TP brushes in White Brite cleaned them right up, just like yours! What a great idea. Thanks!

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@KKC My toilet brush has orange hair & a red tie- something tells me you would appreciate it!

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We use the black makeup wipe clothes to prevent this issue!

I think I’ve seen those and yes, I crack a smile thinking of them.

I put out white and leave grey towels in the cabinet available. I find I am washing more grey ones than white!. Given the choice my guests would rather not worry about the white towels it seems.

Along the same lines, I have stopped leaving the new wrapped sponge out in the kitchen, I put in the drawer with the dish rags instead and they are rarely used now.



This is my experience, too. I offer white, grey, and ratty old towels suitable for dogs, kids, and cleanups. The white are almost never used.

When I started I used whatever towels I had on hand and they were all some variety of colors. I switched to white and stick with it because it’s the easiest to remove stains from. One of the bleaching products I use will remove color from colored sheets, blankets or towels. I use grey or colors in hand towels and washcloths and I’m just not having very good luck with them. So many random stains/bleaching. But bottom line is that I can get nice white towels at Costco so cheaply that I just don’t worry about them.

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Just had 2 towels with self tanning on them & 2 wash cloths with tons of black stains, I’m assuming mascara. I’ve never seen that much mascara on a washcloth & I’ve been wearing it for 44 years! From what I’ve experienced and read no matter if you supply makeup removing towels or wipes, black washcloths…etc., they’ll still reach for the nicest washcloth or towel you provide…:sleepy:


x 2. :frowning: Our family uses all the unpresentable towels and pillow cases (discoloured mostly by acne ointment, I think.)