Do i respond to this review, or leave it alone?

I should also add I get “country ladies” who do the same thing. I figure though that is their holiday, to stay in someone else’s home and criticise their housekeeping. They always clean up though.

I find it hard to believe that after what you’ve described here, you’re wondering what kind of review to leave!!!
Tell it how it is!!
Plainly, simply and to the point!!

Sorry for the delayed reply-
Nope, youngish single white Texan and her mom. Here’s how suburban and white she was: she “decorated” the lawn with four foot tall white plastic deer- fake snow, glitter, winking colored lights and all.
Which of course, we are now the proud (/s) owners of…

Someone will give you good money for those on Facebook Marketplace next October if you have room to store them until then.

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