Corona virus19 in the USA

I was just in New Zealand most of Feb., and highly attuned to what was going on with the coronavirus. I knew exactly what to expect (well maybe not the US dismal response but…). I was literally in tears the night before I left thinking that I might never see those friends again due to the virus. I’m a bit calmer now as I think as long as I survive perhaps another overseas trip in 5+ years is doable.

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Unfortunately, people tend to forget that their freedom to swing their fist ends where someone else’s nose begins. No one anywhere has a “constitutional right” to harm others.

I hope everyone get through these times safe and sound, and that this nightmare is soon over.


love that phrase!

Hope so too…

The vast majority of the ABB’s around me are open despite it being banned by the County, in fact we have a new one right next to me. 31 day plus rentals are allowed but this had 12 reviews in a month.

As far as I can see ABB have done nothing.

and of course, the only country that is not ahead of covid-19 is the only one without universal health care… reminder in November…

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