Cleaning people questions

These people have betrayed your trust. That would piss me off immensely. If it was me, I know that I’d never be able to trust them again.

Personally I’d talk to them and ask them what was going on and why on earth they think that I should continue to employ them. I can’t think of a good answer that they could give.

Of course, they’ll have had time to think of some sort of sob story by now but I wouldn’t believe them no matter what they say - a betrayal of trust can’t easily be explained away.

The fact that cleaners are hard to come by, that you’ve known them for years, that they are like family … none of this counts. After all, it didn’t matter to them when they betrayed your trust, did it?

I would be appalled.


THIS. I’d start looking for new cleaners. And I’d invest in cameras, for all entrances.

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I would fire the cleaners. It’s not some mistake that you can hope they will fix it. It’s unfortunately they have been working for you so long, but it has to end at this point.

Some things fall into the category of “one strike, you’re out” and this is one of them.

Agree with @jaquo, @Ping, @Ritz3,* @MissSwan, you can no longer trust them and you need to trust your cleaners.

  • @Ritz3 I hear you loud and clear – Baltimore same deal as New York, if you can’t trust someone, drop them.

I agree with @jaquo. I have trust issues :wink: so I’d start interviewing cleaners right now and not tell your current cleaners until you have new ones in place. Tell them they’ve betrayed your trust and you’ll be watching your properties and home more closely.

This isn’t even a 3 strike offense.