Chinese guest review

It translates as yesterday`s comment. Lose some info but still acceptable.

@Steve_Chou. I meant my guest’s review from yesterday. Here is what he wrote:

为了更准确的表达和更有助于中国游客的参考,我用中文评价:在我看来,如果一个三四口的家庭,在波士顿住几天,想要参观哈佛大学和MIT ,需要足够的住宿空间,舒适整洁的环境,同时还希望有机会自己烹饪几顿中餐满足胃口,那么,没有比 Susan的房子更合适的了,Susan是一位幽默和善的人,非常体贴细致,尤其是极为重视与房客的互动,对于房客的需求很是在意,同时,她也非常善于沟通。至于房间,那就更没得说了,超五星级的床具,超五星级的空间,超五星级的卫生,超五星级的洗浴洁具,外加免费停车和安静和谐的街区,总之,选择 Susan 的房子作为短期居停,是身心愉悦性价突出的选择。 当然,房东越是尽心,房客越需自重,我也希望后续的房客能够体谅老人,尽力维持和谐互助的圆满。

Here is what google.translate says it is in English, but this man was too intelligent for some of this stuff:

In order to be more accurate and more helpful to Chinese tourists, I use the Chinese evaluation: In my opinion, if a family of three or four families live in Boston for a few days and want to visit Harvard University and MIT, Accommodation, comfortable and neat environment, but also hope to have the opportunity to cook a few meals to meet their appetite, then, no more than Susan’s house is more appropriate, and Susan is a humorous and good people, very considerate, especially attention And the interaction with the tenant, the demand for tenants is very concerned about, at the same time, she is also very good at communication. As for the room, it would have to say, super five-star bed, super five-star space, super five-star health, super five-star bath sanitary ware, plus free parking and quiet and harmonious neighborhood, In short, the choice of Susan’s house as a short-term stop, is the physical and mental pleasure of the outstanding price choice. Of course, the landlord is more dedicated, tenants need more weight, I also hope that follow-up tenants can understand the elderly, try to maintain a harmonious and mutually beneficial.

I am particularly interested in the last bit, where he mentions elderly.

Ooops. Misunderstanding. Wow, you are from Boston too! I am sitting in my office on Newbury street now. The review here is very kind at the end: The host is very dedicated. So we as guests should respect that. I hope the guests after me can understand the difficulty as the elderly host and try to maintain a harmonious and mutually beneficially ideal.

I spot a minor mistake
尤其是极为重视与房客的互动: especially attention And the interaction with the tenant --> especially, the host value interaction with the guests.

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What a hoot! I am in the middle-age category! Not sure how I should take that, but the sentiment is lovely. I liked this family very much.

And I bet your nice office has air-conditioning which I covet at the moment.


:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::grimacing::-1::weary: elderly???


Thx. You make me feel good with an AC.

Haha. I feel funny about that. In our culture we love elderly people. So don`t worry. People will definitely not take it negative.

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Thanks Steve, I used to live in Boston but now the other end of the world. The guest has included (in quotes) the comment “面朝大海,春暖花开” which, on its own, translates as “Facing the Ocean, Spring and Blossom” which is very accurate as I overlook the sea and it is Spring time here and the golden acacias are in full bloom. Is there a reason he would put it in quotes? Is it a specific aspect Chinese people might look for? Thanks if you have the time to reply!

@Steve_Chou. I know exactly when I became elderly.

Unlike most of my Chinese guests, this man was interested in what I was doing. One morning he noticed that I was sewing. I grabbed a romper that I was making for my granddaughter to explain what I was doing. His face changed and as best as he could in English told me about his mother. She made their son clothing. His face got that nostalgic look. He was lost in his memories of his mother. And then the son spoke up and said “I loved when my grandmother made things special for me.”

I went from being a host to a grandmother who was doing the same things for my grandchild that his mother did for hers. It was an AirBNB commercial moment. :wink:


I was in Singapore recently and was discussing the “Chinese people respect and care for their elders” meme and they all said in Singapore now it is a problem as young people do not want their parents living with them. So the parents have taken to blackmailing the kids saying they will cut them out of their inheritance if they don’t look after them! I guess that is what Western money and values does to you :slight_smile:

Same thing used to be true here in the Western World. Around me, there are still many families that live in three family “triple deckers.” They create a support system for the next generation, and in exchange, the next generation takes care of the aging relatives. Next door to us is a huge 2-family with four generations. Really nasty people, but they seem to take care of each other.

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I remember living in a Boston triple decker in Brookline! Happy days :slight_smile: Of course my family were 10,000 miles away in Sydney so that may have helped.

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We are close to Montreal and just got our first review written in French though I suspect there will be more to come. Google translate suggests it was good but they knocked us a star for not having vinegar (?!)

Every time I’m beyond baffled what people constitute a reasonable offense for lowering a star,… like the guy who wanted liquid soap instead of bar soap. :confused:

For some reason, (what I must assume is) colloquial Korean always seems to throw off Google Translate and it comes out as mostly gibberish.