Cheeky Airbnb user asking for free stay

You should report this annoying idiot to Air. They won’t take kindly to his attempts to scam them out of their money.


Sounds like you know some not very nice people. I hope the host reported them and they have been banned/

Guaranteed they would be PITA guests, too! Thanks but no thanks.

And with that I would be blocking them and I’d be really tempted to contact all the hosts of similar properties in my area and warning them.

Did think about reporting this guy to Airbnb, but I wonder if they’d care? I’ve reported users a few times on the app, but I’ve never heard back from Airbnb on any of the occasions.


"“Just wanted to quickly check with you if you’d be interested in 1 paid, 1 complimentary night for the same promotion. Cheers”

Reply: Yes, certainly! Let’s do the 1 paid night first and the complimentary night on another occasion."

You don’t hear back from Airbnb, however I think it’s always worth doing.

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@p_rose -
Offer the first paid night at twice the going rate and give the second night free!

As an experienced marketer, a lot of the brands I work with do use influencer marketing with great success.
The question you have to ask is, “do you need more bookings?” and "does she target my preferred guess?"
If the answer is yes, and her credentials check out, it’s a cheap, effective way of getting your brand (your home) out there.
If the answer is no (or she doesn’t check out), then stay away.

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One technical issue nobody has addressed is that it isn’t (as far as I know) possible to offer a free stay via Airbnb. If memory serves, the minimum Airbnb will allow you to charge is USD 10 or so. I suppose they make a special exception for refugees from natural disasters and such.

And is it necessarily a given that such a deal is a bad one from the host’s point of view? I don’t know - I’m just asking. I probably wouldn’t go for such a deal myself, because I don’t have the background or experience to assess whether it was a good deal or not. Also, how do you get the other party to live up to his/her end of the bargain? Suppose he/she stays for free and then does nothing?

Curious…you can block people on Airbnb? How does that work? I have had some people connect with me I’d be happy to block them and not receive inquiries from them again.

Next to their name in the message thread you’ll see a green link that says “report.” Once you click that you get a drop down menu of reasons. Click “something else” and then it gives you the block option. And if you decide later that you acted rashly you can go unblock them with a simple click.

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I would, but in reality I only have 27.6k followers :slight_smile:

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Yes, I have gotten that request almost verbatim, lol