Calling on a host to come help get lugggages to a 3rd floor apartment!

We have a photo of our 20 stairs to enter our home, and gate at the bottom.

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@Militaryhorsegal I have a “hearing impairment” called tinnitus - a roaring sound that is actually vascular in my case. I pass hearing tests perfectly, but if someone speaks in that exact pitch with their hands over their mouth - forget it. I also have issues with people on the phone in noisy places or with cheap headsets!
Yes, I lip read, but it is not always easy - people with moustaches, or who talk into cabinets, closets, or from another room! (we all know who those people are…)
I also avoid other people’s luggage - I have an invisible disability called lumbar scoliosis and many years of degeneration. They cannot pay me enough to lift luggage, and risk being down for the count. Hosts have to take care of themselves.


I would love a fully accessible rental too. I have a disabled tenant now. But when it comes to widening doors, providing ramps, and so forth, these can be big jobs that sometimes involve structure. Also, various levels of government want their say, too. It can get expensive, time consuming, and counterproductive.

What we ended up doing was working with our insurance company, the tenants, and a one time city inspector. We have done a few “unnecessary” things just to make it easier.


We do too…and tell them exactly how many. In our case it’s 18 steps.


Me too. I have more than my fair share of disabled peeps. And I try to make it easy.

Beyond a certain point, people test the limit of credibility

I think what we need to accept about this chap is that he was, and quite likely still is, a jerk. Falling all over ourselves to accommodate people like this won’t work, because he will always find another way for us to fawn all over him.

The bottom line is that he’s a big boy and he chose to ignore the obvious. Try that at the Sheraton.

Having done her due diligence - and she sounds like a lovely, highly responsible host that I would be pleased to stay with - we might teach her the gentle art of self check in. After all, she’s renting accommodation, not catering.

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dont worry super host - its the biz when youve been going for 8/9 years then you will see that it makes no difference how you are - guests are guests and some are shitty people