Blackout shades, or nah?

Yes, sorry. Simpler than saying “my darling dearest wife”, or more commonly about the house, “she who must be obeyed because she’s usually right”.



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I provide eye shades - I have a pack in the bathroom. Since then I have had no complaints about my louvre blinds.

Yes, I’m perfectly fine :smiley:. Thank you both for worrying :wink:. Since the beginning of the year I was looking for a new job in my home country and the 20th of May I started a new job that has been very intense. It has been kind of a career switch that has involved lots of reading, learning… and working VERY hard: I came into an office where one colleague after another had to stay home because of “burnout” :tired_face:. Just today I worked from 6am until 9pm :dizzy_face:. But I can assure you, it has generally been great fun.

As for AirBnB, as some know, our AirBnB is taken care of by my MIL for the moment. I still do most pre-arrival communication, but all in all the BnB thing has become less present in my life. And by consequence also this forum. I still come to read regularly, but often I don’t find the time to thoroughly participate. It also makes me a little bit sad that a lot of the funny regulars seem to have left :unamused:. This forum used to be better fun, but luckily it’s still a great source of information and advice :+1:.


This is good news indeed and sounds a very exciting move for you. But make sure you don’t follow your colleagues down the burnout route.

If you are troubleshooting a troubled organisation (and working 6am-9pm sounds like it) it can be hard to spot burning out until you’ve sorted the mess, and the adrenaline levels suddenly drop.


I have three separate entire house AirBnBs. I have blinds on the windows–the 2 inch horizontal slat ones. No blackout blinds or drapes. I’ve had about 150 bookings in the last year. No one has complained, in a review or in private, about the lack of blackout shades or drapes. No one has suggested I install them, even though I ask people for suggestions for improvement. All three houses are in town where there are streetlights. I do provide eyemasks.

I see several people have suggested these. Do you provide disposable ones? Is it an item people take home with them? Or is it something you can wash between guests? I’ve never used them before.

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You can get a big box of them on Amazon that come individually wrapped. I provide them as well but also have blackout blinds. They don’t get used very often, but it might be because of the blackout blinds, not sure. I’d be willing to mail you a bunch if you wanted to give them a try!

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Even with my high turnover I’m not going to be buying anymore “big boxes” of anything for my Airbnb room. I got a box of 250 individually wrapped soaps 4 years ago and I still have 200+. I bought a small single cup Keurig this summer that most guests don’t use. I’ve already started giving away the k-pods I bought at Costco.