Being Blackmailed

Rule One: The second you get a booking, you save the guest’s phone number and all the booking info in a separate file on your PC, and you make backup copies. Even if Internet is down or if Air cancels, you will be able to reach them.

Rule Two: See Rule One.


I think you said in an earlier post that this is a new venture for you, in a new area. If you had a full survey carried out, were potential landslides raised as an issue?

You really do need to list elsewhere if this is your only income. You can’t have all your eggs in the Airbnb basket.

You should also get some marketing advice, get your own website set up, liaise with your local Tourist Information gang, get on Facebook, etc etc.

If you’re lucky, our marketing expert in the name of @Helsi will chime in soon!

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Hi Joan. No none of this was brought up in any survey. He is making it up. We are in a valley, but so are 67 other houses on my road. For reference , we are on the coast in Cornwall.

Yes, I have their numbers. I don’t know how I could persuade them to book direct though.

We do have a website, and now on and hopefully another listing site later today.

You go Hut! We sued an architect once due a completely imaginary roofing design that our builder consequently had to make up as they went along, resulting in significant additional expense and a rather odd looking addition. We had a cut off as to how much we would spend on legal action and so eventually dropped it. I understand your anger and frustration, believe me! You are taking all the right actions. The only thing maybe I would have done a bit different would be to have your lawyer put that letter to the builder on their letterhead. That sometimes is enough to get someone to back off.

Well, that is some good news. At least you have some documentary evidence.

My ex, who was a carpenter, said he hated it when clients had something designed by an architect, because while it looked good on paper, it was impossible to construct :slight_smile:

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I have found that paying an attorney $75 to have his secretary type a letter I wrote on his letterhead and sign it can save thousands.

That’s why the rich and powerful pay them monthly retainers.


So you can put the whole incident behind you and move on? You know, real world stuff.

Sorry I don’t understand?

This guy is threatening my livelihood.

Hi @richard815. This is @Hut’s thread, not mine.

Why are you posting this here when you posted the same issue elsewhere on this forum?

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Closing this old thread.