BarBque grill not listed as an amenity

By deposit, I should have clarified, charge them for any damage or using up your propane. ABB has been good about having the guest pay for damages such as this

If there is a grill stored where it can be seen, it will get used. People don’t really look at the rules carefully. Lock it up if you don’t want it used. Cleaning the grill took me longer than cleaning the house after guests used it! I dreaded cleaning it every time! So…I bought a large outdoor griddle. It’s easy to keep clean and people are happy with it because they can do breakfast, lunch, and dinner on it. That solved my grill cleaning problem.


A suggested response to that is “Oh, dear! Thank you for bringing that to my attention. We’ll drop off a replacement today.” Then rush out there with a new brush.

Cheap for the price of turning your nitpicky guest into your gushing fan cuz you validated them.

Of course, that may encourage them to suggest other “improvements.” My line is “Thank you so much for your suggestions! We love getting guest feedback.” Note I do not say anything about actually putting their suggestions into effect, nor make any admissions that something is insufficient.


Great point not to make any admissions something is insufficient. I am certain the messaging system through whichever booking platform was used to make the reservation reads correspondence between guests/hosts.

Hi there,

In my experience, guests rarely remember amenities. Usually its a pleasant surprise.

I think your guest was quite civil. Also, it saves cleaning in the kitchen.

My only concern would be homeowner’s insurance.

Interesting- apparently the grill did not heat up correctly so they used the stove/oven. I just spent 3 hrs. cleaning the grill from top to bottom. Did not check to see if it worked properly. From reading the most likely cause is a faulty regulator. Now I will have to check that next. Right now the internet is out with Comcast not being of any help so I am replacing the wi-fi/modem with my fingers crossed. The earliest they could send a tech out is two days from now and my guest arrives tomorrow.

There was a power outage at my house last night, the circuit breaker on the transformer blew. When power was restored the internet was apparently out but I didn’t realize it until this morning. Thank goodness I didn’t have a guest.

Oh dear. Looks like your guests weren’t so civil after all.

I have such an animal. For 22 years. Steaks come hell or high water. They aren’t terribly good with the clean up (as you have seen).

I had such a guest. He didn’t like my bbq. So he fixed it. I paid for parts.

Your guest left a heckuva mess. You can ding him for your time, or mention it in a review, or both.

While you’re at it, get a self cleaning oven.

Or you can simply accept it as a one-time incident.


Because you replied via email your normal email signature posted.

It posted all your contact information. I edited your post to remove it. If that was on purpose, and you want strangers on the internet to call you or show up at your door, I’ll be happy to put it back.


Oh oh - not so civil. Roasting dinosaurs.

Are you in the 30084 zip code area? I just replaced the modem but still cannot connect. I have a tech scheduled for tomorrow between 5-7 and if anyone cancels they will let me know. Since the guests arrive tomorrow after 11 hopefully they will be ok with it.

No. I was able to reboot the modem and router and it reconnected on it’s own. I have Spectrum. It doesn’t suck today but it often does.

While it wouldn’t suffice for someone who needs to do a lot of work online, most people have data on their phones now, so at least they can connect to internet that way if necessary. But of course there’s always the “I want a refund because the Wifi didn’t work” possibility.

I wonder if many hosts in Canada had guests trying to get a refund on that basis when the Rogers 24 hr. outage happened a few days ago. Which shut down not only the internet, but ATMs, credit card machines, and a ton of other stuff.

before spending money on a new regulator, there is one thing you can try.

  • Turn off all the burners.
  • Turn off the gas at the tank.
  • Wait 30 minutes.
  • Then, slowly, crack the valve on the tank back on.

The regulators have a safety feature where if the gas starts flowing too fast (they think leak or not hooked up), the regulator will severely restrict gas flow. If you ever turn on the tank valve while all of the burners are turned on (something guests might do), it will trigger the safety. Shutting it all down and waiting 30 minutes will generally reset the safety switch (its just a spring loaded safety valve inside the regulator).


Thank you Jdmlt. The grill was fine so you were correct. The 25 yr. veteran of grilling must not have been familiar with propane tank grills. Over the labor day weekend I went over to check it out and there was no issue. He most likely turned all the burners on at once and then opened the tank valve. So the safety feature on the regulator was triggered and slowed the gas flow.

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I keep replacement remotes in the cleaners closet just in case

I do, too. The only one I don’t have a backup for is the cable, and the cable company provided the equipment and are 10 minutes away.