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For those of you who have access to a Sam’s Club, on August 6th the doors open at 7 a.m. and they also have online sales all day.
I just wanted to mention that their Member’s Mark brand sheets are $15 off that day. I am going to stock up. Some of the items do qualify for free shipping so you just need to check on their site.
If your rental needs to replace those scratched up pots and pans, they are having a special on Tramontina 3 pk Fry Pans or 3 piece Deep Saute Set. I gave up long ago trying to supply high quality pots and pans.
Well, I do have a second set, but they’re not that nice. I just do laundry and haven’t (thankfully) had stain issues yet. But I do have a back-up set for emergencies. I just want a second set that’s nice for a rotation to make turn-over easier.
its definitely still a lot pricier but the website for Oxford Bedding is offering a 15% off sale right now until October 1 also with the promo code “school”. They have some top notch customer service and luxury bedspreads. My guests have absolutely loved them so far. enjoy and happy shopping!