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wow, that looks pretty nice AZ – doesn’t look IKEA at all. IKEA is vinyl or leather? Your property looks so nice!
I’m not sure why guests are so so hard on the furniture – the place is unoccupied for 50% of the year so it actually gets much less use than our own furniture. I guess it’s the suitcases that thrash things – walls, baseboards, and sofas.
k9 – there’s an app called Dolly that I might use – kind of like uber for people with trucks who are willing to lift and move things…
Would you put a couch like this into your rental? I currently have very dark brown leather (my sofa looks like K9’s pic) and I’m wondering if this tan color is too light (I’m thinking of a little kid with a pen or something).
Even if I kept the markers out of my toddler’s hand, my teenager would probably lie down on it with his muddy shoes while I was distracted by the markers.
Check to see how the hide is dyed ? If they used Aniline dyes , then it means the dye was mixed with a bit of wax and injected under pressure to the hide . Other hides may just be dyed by spray coating and the dye does not penetrate through the entire hide . It can also be dyed by injection but without a wax mixture , but the due penetrates all the way through . You want aniline dyed because you can use conditioners to maintain the softness . You can also get pen and marker marks out by using a hair dryer and some soft rubbing of the area . These leathers are also not likely to crack .
You want to check if the quality of the leather is the same on the entire piece or if there is whats called Leather Matching . All it means is that the best hide parts are used on the front, arms and seat cushions , the back areas use a lesser quality leather but is dyed the same and conditioned to match the rest of the leather upholstery
It’s aniline dyed but they said the leather will wear quite a bit and to expect it to take on a weathered look. I’m afraid it will look a bit thrashed in a year.
Anyone want to advise on what to do here – I can get Catskills’ $500 couch new and not worry about it. Or I can pay a few hundred more and get that pretty tan couch (used). The latter will make the unit look a lot better, but it probably won’t wear as well as the cheaper $500 couch.
The weathered looked is what most aniline dyed leather sofas are meant to look like with age , just like a fine worn men’s leather jacket . With the aniline dyes you can rub out some of the fading with your finger over the area . Its a look that most people like and expect , so if you don’t want that look for your place then the other choices might be the best for you .
It was marketed as the Finley. I know the same sofa goes by different names, though. It was super firm but softened up well. The cushions are NOT removable but I like that. It always stays neat.
@KKC - When we bought our vacation home, it came with a good bit of furniture, including three off-white and three red leather sofas and chairs. The white sofas are in good shape, but the red ones are in the TV room and were showing some age. I researched online, and this company came up. I wish I had “before” and “after” pictures. The red ones were cracking and flaking and starting to look very used. I bought the repair kit, and the wine-colored dye, and in a few hours, repaired the damaged areas and had a coat of dye on them. They really look a whole lot better!
If you do end up using them, let us know if you are impressed with the results, too.
By the way, I’m buying an off-white color for the next time I get to our place to do the other sofas and perk them up.
I bought the more expensive, light colored sofa… hope I’m not kicking myself in a year. I’m going to look into that leather repair kit too as I’ll probably need it sooner than I want to.
I just bought a new car for the first time, and I immediately noticed this unfamiliar stress of needing to take care of something. This is why I can’t have nice things.
I would contact the repair place with a picture of that sofa - I don’t know if you can replicate the variegated look with dye. But they will be able to help you figure out what to do if you are interested.