AirBNB Wrongfully Forces Hosts to Accept Pets from People with No Disability


Few words draw the ire of grammarians as swiftly as irregardless . The term has been in use in English for over a century, but whether or not it’s a “real word” or one you should use in daily conversation continues to be the subject of debate.

Irregardless is a nonstandard synonym for regardless , which means “without concern as to advice, warning, or hardship,” or “heedless.” Its nonstandard status is due to the double negative construction of the prefix ir- with the suffix -less . The prefix ir- means “not,” while the suffix -less means “without,” literally translating to “not without regard.” This, of course, is the opposite of what English speakers generally intend to convey when using this term; for this reason, style guides unanimously urge against using irregardless .

Although editors purge irregardless from most published writing, the term is alive and well in spoken English and is recorded in most dictionaries. Those who use it may do so to add emphasis.

The bottom line is that irregardless is indeed a word, albeit a clunky one. That said, to avoid the wrath of your grammar-loving friends, it’s safest to avoid using irregardless altogether

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Irregardless of what that article says, I could care less. It has no affect on me. :wink:





Hehe :wink:

I will definitely keep this in mind. I mean, people can but a certificate for “animal emotional support” of the internet. You must have read the stories of such people trying to sneak in all kind of pets as emotional support animals in planes, for example ostriches.

and peacocks, pigs, turkeys and miniature horses!

No animals of any sort, ever, under any circumstance. Irregardless, I’m so allergic, I’ll die within 5 minutes and I’ll make sure to let the guests know that. I don’t care what policies anybody formulates, what your training is or how many years of service in whatever industry you have. It doesn’t matter how many 3 letter acronyms you can cite. You bring an animal, I die. Especially if its a peacock.

I’m not allergic to goldfish though. I will allow that.

@Debthecat. Actually miniature horses are an animal that is allowed to be a Service Animal in the US. Surprised most people who think it is only dogs, but it it true.

Brilliant. Thank you.

Somewhere in the Ivory Tower, some committee decided that appearances supersede homeowner rights.

As a landlord I used to accommodate animals all the time. And it was for the love of animals that I stopped.

What about the rights of people who risk anaphylaxis staying in a room where a cat had been? Do we pay for Epipens too?

What about the guests that don’t want to be around animals?