Airbnb (USA) debuts all-in-one pricing

I don’t want to give Airbnb too much credit but that “randomness” could be purposeful beta testing.

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Someone here, I think @Helsi said “5 years” in the EU but I don’t know if that is an official timeline or just when she noticed it or when it appeared in her location.

I remember seeing the total price with a breakdown that included service fees, cleaning fee and extra guest fees, in the US, as far back as 41/2 - 5 years. The lack of transparency in pricing is just a rumor.

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As a guest and math person, I like to see the breakdowns.
As a host, I find it, currently, confusing, as my gut read on pricing as I compare to others, is now warped by history of how I did it before and how I need to adapt. Also, how do I see what others are asking for cleaning fees! :wink:

BECAUSE NOT ALL DAYS MAY BE PRICED THE SAME or may not be available for all or part of the time a guest wants.. Hotels do the same thing.

I wonder why they aren’t including taxes?

Likely they will charge a cancelation fee and the guest will think the host is pocketing it. I doubt they will give up this money they are now collecting for cancellations.