Airbnb & Antarctica

Thanks for clarifying what full means to you.

This is not going to happen here. You can hang around and participate in this forum or not. You are not going to be allowed to post your youtube videos here.

That’s at least two of us.


This one time in band camp…uhmm, I mean, on my youtube channel…


Is that you Kendrick?

Are you pulling my leg Kendrick? You are Kendrick, right?

Seriously get a life.


I’ve no idea who or what Kendrick is.


Hey @Jim_Haines - I am familiar with your youtube videos. And just for the record…Jim is correct - he just shares his hosting experiences on youtube. He isn’t selling anything. Many of us are familiar with him.

Having said that…why aren’t you booking your construction workers through Houfy? Or are they paying you in cash and check? They are repeats. They aren’t going through ABB again are they?

That’s great that he’s not selling anything and just having a good time. We don’t allow people to use this forum to promote themselves even if they are giving themselves away for free. This is well established here for years now. It doesn’t matter if it’s igms or Lodgify or Houfy.

Yes there’s the occasional post from one or another of the services or a link to Traquo, Jackie’s travel site. The occasional post from an active member of our community is fine. Comparing anyone to Pierre of Smartbnb is completely unfair because he used to provide a tremendous service here and he gave complimentary one year subscriptions to moderators. Then people started copying him and taking what he freely posted here and using it to compete against him so he quit posting. Jim’s first post here was simply a link to his youtube channel, he didn’t even bother with an informative sentence. That’s what got him restricted from posting links right away.

Too bad you didn’t send Jim your Houfy link long ago since you knew him and his Oxford rental already.


Yes, KKC…we all are well aware of how you apply guidelines arbitrarily when it suits yourself and your friends. It’s no secret.

I don’t even know why you are replying to me. I was replying to @Jim_Haines, not you.

I’m not sure I’m following this thread. What was your original question @Jim_Haines?

Did it have something to do with Antarctica or was that a typo?

…Edited to say sorry I see @Thomas_Bantle was the OP. I am now officially confused by this entire thread.

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Because your use of this forum to promote Houfy is getting old and there have been complaints. People want to know how you get away with your endless promotion of Houfy when other promotional posts are deleted and frankly, I don’t have a good answer other than trying to avoid your drama.

I’m not anti-Houfy or the occasional mention of it. I’ve mentioned it multiple times over the past few months but your posts and links to your houfy articles are too much.

Edit to add: I am no longer recommending houfy.


I’m completely p***ed off at your using a clickbait title that has, as far as I can see, nothing to do with what you are actually posting. The point of a title is surely to give some idea of what the post is about and my understanding is that most forum members try hard to keep to this.

Maybe you would like to edit your title?

Edit to apologise if you were not the OP (@Thomas_Bantle) Just colour me completely confused …


KKC I see you promoting Houfy on another thread and name calling this CabinHost guy calling him a cheerleader. Thats definitely a double standard. You’re being a bully and just bringing too much negativity to this forum for me to even want to participate here. As soon as someone points out your double standards, you abuse your power and bully them into shutting up about it so you can keep doing whatever suits you.


@Thomas_Bantle , was this thread some kind of joke about using a reservation request or instant book for The Antarctic Sabbatical that Airbnb is promoting?

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Thank you @Brian_R170. That’s what I thought too. And I laughed.

Thanks for letting me know how you feel.

This thread from the first posting to now is too odd for me and I am normally a fan of odd. Y’all have fun. OP @Thomas_Bantle why just why are you wasting our time?

I don’t know you but we are not off to a good start


Perhaps a moderater should shut this thread down. Somehow it has managed to bring out grumpiness and disgruntlement. Perhaps the long season has worn us all down and a breather is needed.