Aahh this poor guy is just trying to make ends meet (would airBnB say)

Pensioner renting out his heavily subsidized public/social housing on AirBnB (while living somewhere else).

Now he has to pay back his social security, lost his house, and has to pay the unpaid tourist tax…

Tut mir leid, ich würde das gerne lesen, aber leider spreche ich nicht (oder lese) deutsch, aber trotzdem danke @Chris :slight_smile:

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Yep, that’s not why the taxpayer provided him with that accommodation, and if he didn’t need it there’s a queue of desperate people who would need that flat. Perhaps he could donate the profit he made from Airbnb to the homeless.

Sehr drollig - Sie sind ein Meister!

lol, vielen Dank, Sie sind sehr freundlich

Y’all are testing my semi-crappy command of German and I love it.

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