A best short bad review for the guest

Jeff, as you said, this thread is an old one and the OP had his question answered almost straight away. The discussion has moved on quite a lot since the original post. (And the OP hasn’t been seen here or posted here for quite a few months).

That seems about right, then. :slight_smile:

@jaquo, Yes - I was replying to @KKC. She asked “which guest are you talking about”.

Yes. You said that you were talking about a guest who was mentioned by the OP.

KKC is not a ‘he’.

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Gosh and I KNEW that too - my bad! Corrected! @KKC - sorry!

Oh we’re the WORST for living in our own home. Sucks that we know when Quiet Hours are abused, or extra guests are brought in…such bad hospitality!!!

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