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Yeah. I have a lot of API connected listings. Just set them all to SS30.
IDK if I had to request that or not. But I think something changed in the last year. I remember always having the strictest cancel policy.
API connected listing settings are always finicky. Because the API can change certain settings, or you can edit your listing like normal. But there is no record of who(api/human) changed what / when.
Well, it’s never happened to me, but I’ve read numerous posts over the years about hosts’ settings mysteriously changing and many weren’t API connected, and just had one listing. IB kept getting turned on, when they’d always had the setting on Request to Book only, cancellation policies or check-in times changed to flexible, etc. Of course the changes are always to what Airbnb considers more guest-friendly, and Airbnb insists the host must have changed it, when the host knows perfectly well they didn’t.