What do you think about offering BIKE RENTALS with your airbnb?

Our short term rental insurance policy covers liability anywhere on our property, on the bikes that guests are able to use (no charge to them & we must provide helmets) & on our boat or at our clubhouse. We do not get more booking for having the bikes available, but then most of our listings come through VRBO & TripAdvisor. We just have not had very many rental requests through Airbnb. Have no idea why. Our price is beyond low for what we offer & our location, so go figure.

This exact situation happened to me last month. I had a couple staying in my cottage and the chair leg broke as he sat down (he was very tall), he slammed down on the table and broke that too and put a pretty big scratch on the wall on the way down. I thought, oh god here it comes - the lawsuit. Instead he felt terrible about damaging my property, even offering to pay for a new chair. I declined, of course and made sure he knew my concern was for his well-being and safety. They left a fantastic review.