Only overall star ratings shown to Host now?

I just reviewed and was able to see the review the guest left for me but only can see the overall star rating. Do guests no longer review the subcategories? If they do, where can I find them?

I’ve had this for a while now too. Part of me doesn’t care too much but it does seem strange. It’s good to keep track of things, particularly things like cleanliness and value (imo). Would be interesting to hear from others, can you all still see the subcategories? I’ve tried everything and they are simply not to be found any more. Is it a glitch?

I have never seen the subcategories, and only recently do I see their overall stars. I keep a spreadsheet to track this on my own, and religiously enter the data into the spreadsheet following each review.

I’ve never been able to directly see what an individual guest left in the subcategories. I was only able to figure it out by keeping track of each review as it was left and looking at the overall numbers. Now I can see what each guest left as the overall which in an improvement. The subcategory totals appear differently now. You go to stats>ratings> and there is a drop down menu arrow on the right…

Under “stats” mine shows:
Overall experience