Newbie concerns

I just listed my guest house and got a bunch of reservation requests and confirmations my first 2 days. However, most guests are new to airbnb (no reviews). I emailed with all of them and asked about their plans, names and ages of guests and such. Should I be worried? Everyone is new at some point, right? Including me and my new listing.

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Exactly :slight_smile:

I’ve been hosting on Airbnb for a long time but still my guests are usually new. It’s no problem at all.


This happened to me when I first listed as well. It concerned me at first, but it turned out not to be a huge deal. In fact, one year later and most of my current and future guests are also AirBNB newbies.

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Newbies are good – you can learn together. We enjoy have Newbies as guest, in fact the ones that left Sunday were completely new. They had a great time, and we enjoyed having them.

We do not care about guests having no reviews. They might actually be better than veterans, since they do not have anything to compare with or expectations. :smiley:


The second worst guest I had had seventeen excellent reviews so I absolutely agree. People who are new can be a little apprehensive so it’s fun to show them just how great renting an Airbnb can be.


I love this “the second worst guest” - when you know exactly what that ranking means :)!


I think as long as you start a dialogue with them before their arrival it should be fine. Trust your gut and pay carefull attention to how they answer the questions about why they are coming to town. And if you have any concerns don’t be afraid to turn a guests down. That’s the best advice i can give, someone else will book.