Homeless guests

I love this Romani inspired space. No one would be looking down on me if I pulled this around with my gas guzzler.


I just read a news article about the increase in Hipster nomads who rent primarily STRs so they can live, work & experience an area for a while, then easily move to another interesting place.

I have a travel Nurse friend who has been doing that for years (new assignment, new location every 90 days) but I guess now that she’s in her 50’s, she doesn’t qualify as a hipster (I wouldn’t either).

I have to say that I have been one of these homeless people.

For a decade I worked in the circus and events industries as a agent. My job meant that I needed to travel a lot and it sucks staying in hotels your entire life, far more comfy in an air b and b. I did own a house, actually 3, but I rented them out. I would spend most of my time a few weeks to a few months sat at home in a air b and b working from my laptop. It was far cheaper and easier than other short term apartment rentals.

But i think this is really about rules and expectations on your part, maybe you need to turn off instant book and ask people why they are coming to stay and be blunt if you have to, people will understand. I had one lady who clearly told me she wanted tourists only as they were out all day and that way she could have some privacy for a few hours- althrough I was just in my room working all day, I did understand what she meant.

Hi Helsi, I am really inspired by what you do to help homeless people. Wondered if we could speak a bit more on this. let me know if you would be open to that. thanks, jazzmin

In what context @Jazzmin_Jiwa are you a host looking to do something similar?

I am an airbnb host but I’d like to explore writing about the contribution you have made. I’ve worked as a journalist for a few years and am exploring topics around homelessness and identity. Maybe we could talk a bit more off the forum if it’s something we could discuss further.

Maybe the best term would be “transitional guests.” You might be getting newly divorced or separated folks, a person that just sold their home and is in the process of buying another home, home burned down, in between jobs, etc.

I guess being a former New Yorker, when I hear homeless I think of those unfortunate souls that live on the streets.

Whatever the case, I’m glad you’re able to provide them with a comfy and safe place while they figure things out.

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Sure feel free to PM me.

I’m not sure new users get PM privileges right away. You might PM her so she can respond.

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Hello post your email here if you cant PM @Jazzmin_Jiwa

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Hi Helsi, my email is jjiwa at yahoo dot com. I cannot post a link here, the system won’t allow me to. But you can decipher my email address from this note. Looking forward to hearing back. Best, Jazzmin

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Well, it’s been almost three years since I started this thread. I am moving house, today, so I probably won’t be able to do much Airbnb in the new, smaller flat I will be in, from now.

I have been in constant contact to the one homeless guest I described earlier, the digital nomad from Finland. In fact, he recently found a permanent girlfriend, so decided to end his nomad life and settle down permanently, in Berlin.

I like the message he recently sent to me:

Living together with my girlfriend is much more challenging than being on my own. If I am on my own, I have no problems living a nomad life.


Hi Helsi, not sure if you’ve been able to email me, I haven’t received your note yet. Let me know if you have any problems sending it to the address I provided. Best, jazzmin

Hi. I’ve been hosting in Las Vegas for 2 years and have had 4-5 sets of homeless people. These are truly legit homeless people. Not sure how they even get a credit card, sometimes it seems like they’ve scammed or stolen someone’s as they look nothing like the profile pictures. But for me it is the worst experience. They will rent for a couple weeks, stay in the house 24/7. They use everything you have to the maximum amount possible, sit on your couch and watch Netflix 18 hours a day, use all your cookware, use your condiments, leave a mess. I’ve had them ask me for money, ask me for food, give me sob stories, etc. It always seems to be a couple and they end up having screaming matches and fighting by the end of their stay. They smell bad enough that the whole house starts to smell bad and the rooms when they leave are always awful with food and trash all over. I really wish air bnb had some sort of way to make sure people aren’t homeless as it is quite an inconvenience. From my experience Im not surprised they’re homeless as they do not respect anybody’s property, so if they were my family I wouldn’t want them either. Being in vegas most of my guests come in at night, pass out, and leave. Just venting, as I currently have a homeless couple here for 7 more nights of their 3 week stay from hell :sweat:

Since most of your guests are one nighters why allow longer stays at all? Set your max at 3-5 days and up your prices so you do not appeal to the broke homeless crowd.


Edited to add, welcome to the forum. We can be harsh, take the best and leave the rest.



What River Rock said…welcome and be prepared for tough talk.

Airbnb is a booking and payment platform. You really expect a computer program to be able to tell people are “homeless,” whatever that means? You are the one there, “boots on the ground” as they say. 4-5 in two years? I’ve been hosting 5 years, over 700 guests and I’ve had zero of the people that society labels “homeless.” And the reason I’m putting “homeless” in quotes is because I’ve had a lot of guests (10%?) who don’t seem to be homeowners or leaseholders when they are here. That’s why telling us what you mean by homeless could be instructive.

Time to shorten your max stay length…for starters.


I define homeless as living on the street.


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That seems to differ from the OP’s use of the term.

Maybe they went from the street to his place? Likely because something attracted them, cheap room that allows long stays perhaps.


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We could talk about it all night long but if the OP doesn’t come back and tell me, I won’t know.

Many people use the term as some sort of all purpose put down for people with few resources. I just don’t know what it means.