First Creepy Guest, Considering Surveillance Cameras

I also agree that higher prices don’t guarantee better guests.

Every listing is different as is every person who books them

It probably reeks more of experience than snobbery. If your experience is one of getting better guests at a higher price, that’s going to influence your opinion.

Well, I’m going to hazard a guess that Lorna has had around 20 guests! That’s usually when hosts get complacent and think they know it all :wink: I do agree that going rock-bottom is not a good idea (Air’s smart pricing is, frankly, insulting) but price is dependent on many variables. It’s just ludicrous, imo, to assert that the higher the price, the better the guest.

I agree, I’m low priced myself ($39 a night for 1 person). And I’ve mostly loved my guests and think those of seeminly modest means are more enjoyable than those with more money but I’m not going to call someone whose situation I don’t know a snob.

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Wow, what a haughty and condescending response! I’ve had 84 bookings, and one creepy guest I came here to talk about. Please don’t presume to know how I run my business or whether or not I’m doing it right by your standards. Mine are fine, thank you.


So, @LizinMN. Did he pass his one last chance? Update awaited here, when you have the time!

Yes, I am awaiting the conclusion of the story as well.

Yes, he did pass. His reservation was supposed to end tomorrow, but he checked out early, today. He mostly stayed out of the house, so I rarely saw him after the incident that led me to giving him that one last chance. We all had a pleasant breakfast together this morning, and then he left. I’m very grateful for the support I’ve gotten here. It’s really helped.