1 hr interview in person/by phone with LA metro hosts - $20 compensation

$20 compensation: LA participants needed for interviews about your experience hosting through Airbnb
I can come to you or we can organize phone call. Please email kdunn6@luc.edu if interested
Details on the broader study noted below.

My name is Dr. Kathleen Dunn and I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology at Loyola University of Chicago. I am seeking participants for a research study on the sharing economy, including AirBnb, in Los Angeles, Buenos Aires and Paris. I am specifically seeking Airbnb hosts in these 3 cities or their larger metro areas.

The purpose of this study is learn about how people, governments and nonprofit organizations participate in the global sharing economy within their cities. You are being asked to participate because you are an adult participant (over the age of 18) in the sharing economy of your city.

If you agree to be in the study, you will be asked to participate in an interview lasting 45 minutes to one hour. You will be compensated $20 U.S. for your time upon completion of this interview. The questions will cover the following broad topics:
• Your role in the sharing economy and how that role developed over time
• Your views on the benefits and challenges of this economy for you and your city
• Your views on the role of governments and communities in directing this economy

Participation in this study is voluntary. There are no foreseeable risks or direct benefits involved in participating in this research beyond those experienced in everyday life. Your participation will be kept confidential and I will use a name of your choice to ensure that no one would be able to identify you in writings and publications resulting from this research. If you prefer to be identified by your name, you may indicate this on the informed consent form I will give you prior to the interview. If you allow, I would like to make an audio recording of our interview for transcription purposes. These recordings will be destroyed upon the conclusion of this project.

Please contact me at kdunn6@luc.edu if you would like to participate or have any questions about the project. Thank you in advance for your time.

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